- The artist with the most Gotrek & Felix paintings!
- 1st published painting :
- The cover of Giantslayer (2003).
- His paintings appear in :
- Original series (2nd printing) by William King:
- Trollslayer(2nd printing) (2003).
- Skavenslayer(2nd printing) (2003).
- Daemonslayer(2nd printing) (2003).
- Dragonslayer(2nd printing) (2003).
- Beastslayer(2nd printing) (2004).
- Vampireslayer(2nd printing) (2004).
- Original series by Nathan Long :
- Orcslayer (2006).
- Manslayer (2007).
- Elfslayer (2008).
- Shamanslayer (2009).
- Zombieslayer (2010).
- Audio :
- Slayer Of The Storm God (2009).
- Trollslayer (2019).
- Omnibus :
- First Omnibus(1st edition) (2003).
- First Omnibus(2nd edition) (2006).
- Third Omnibus(2nd edition) (2009).
- Official Page :
- Gazetteer :
- 2003, 2nd part, Art for Gotrek : from Trollslayer cover(2nd printing)(not all, Gotrek only and in Black & White).
- 2003, 2nd part, Art for Felix: from Trollslayer cover(2nd printing) (not all, Felix only and in Black & White).
- Gazetteer :
- Lorebooks :
- Grudgelore (2008) :
- Page 23 : Dragonslayer‘s cover(2nd printing). The whole painting(no letters, title, etc).
- Page 79 : Orcslayer‘s cover. The whole painting (no letters, title, etc).
- Grudgelore (2008) :
- Artbooks :
- The Art of Warhammer :
- Page 80 : Whole page : OrcSlayer cover by Geoff Taylor. It is all the cover painting without any letters, title, etc. .
- Page 81 : Whole page : DragonSlayer cover by Geoff Taylor. It is all the cover painting without any letters, title, etc. .
- The Art of Warhammer :
- Magazines :
- Inferno! #36 (2003)
- Page 34: William King’s interview: Background : Giantslayer cover in black and white).
- Page 35: William King’s interview : Background : Trollslayer(2nd printing) cover in black and white).
- Page 36: William King’s interview : Background: Skavenslayer(2nd printing) cover in black and white).
- White Dwarf #280 (2003)
- Page 60: whole page : New Skavenslayer cover. It is (almost)all the cover’s original painting without any letters, title, etc. By Geoff Taylor.
- White Dwarf #283 (2003)
- Page 22 : whole page : New DaemonSlayer cover. It is (almost)all the cover’s original painting without any letters, title, etc. By Geoff Taylor.
- White Dwarf #319 (2006)
- Page 1: Trollslayer(2nd edition) (not all- it is cropped).
- Page 102: Vampireslayer (2nd edition).
- Inferno! #36 (2003)
- Collectible Card Game :
- When It’s All You’ve Got Card (2004) : Dragonslayer (2nd printing) cover(not all, it is cropped).
- Merchandise :
- T-Shirt,
- Watch,
- Mug.
- Black Library Weekender 2018 : Postcards : 20 Years of Black Library set :
- First Omnibus(2nd Edition).
- OrcSlayer.
- Original series (2nd printing) by William King:
- Notes :
- Paintings are included without letters / titles.
- Also, included some visual concepts – roughs prior to painting the covers.
- William King’s 2nd printing book covers :
Trollslayer 2nd printing cover by Geoff Taylor. Skavenslayer 2nd printing cover by Geoff Taylor. Daemonslayer 2nd printing cover by Geoff Taylor. Dragonslayer 2nd printing cover by Geoff Taylor. Beastslayer 2nd printing cover by Geoff Taylor. Vampireslayer 2nd printing cover by Geoff Taylor.
- William King’s original book covers :

- Nathan Long’s book covers :
Orcslayer original cover by Geoff Taylor. Manslayer original cover by Geoff Taylor. Elfslayer original cover by Geoff Taylor. Shamanslayer original cover by Geoff Taylor. Zombieslayer original cover by Geoff Taylor.
- Omnibus covers :
Geoff Taylor’s 1st Omnibus(1st edition) cover with titles. Geoff Taylor’s 1st Omnibus(2nd edition) cover with titles. Geoff Taylor’s 1st Omnibus(1st edition) cover without titles. Geoff Taylor’s 3rd Omnibus(2nd edition) cover.
- Audio books :
Slayer of the Storm God original painting cover by Geoff Taylor. Slayer of the Storm God original cover by Geoff Taylor. Trollslayer 2nd printing original painting cover by Geoff Taylor. Trollslayer audio book cover by Geoff Taylor.
- Original paintings(many of them already sold!) :
Trollslayer 2nd printing original painting cover by Geoff Taylor. Skavenslayer 2nd printing original painting cover(not all) by Geoff Taylor. Daemonslayer 2nd printing original painting cover(not all) by Geoff Taylor. Dragonslayer 2nd printing original painting cover by Geoff Taylor. Vampireslayer 2nd printing original painting cover by Geoff Taylor. Giantslayer original painting cover by Geoff Taylor. Orcslayer original painting cover by Geoff Taylor. Manslayer original painting cover by Geoff Taylor. Elfslayer original painting cover by Geoff Taylor. Shamanslayer original painting cover by Geoff Taylor. Zombieslayer original painting cover(framed!) by Geoff Taylor. 1st Omnibus original painting cover by Geoff Taylor. 3rd Omnibus(2nd edition) original painting cover by Geoff Taylor.
- Visual roughs prior to painting the covers :
Trollslayer 2nd printing visual rough prior to painting the cover by Geoff Taylor. Skavenslayer 2nd printing visual rough prior to painting the cover by Geoff Taylor. Daemonslayer 2nd printing visual rough prior to painting the cover by Geoff Taylor.
WarCry : When it’s all you’ve got card(signed!).
- Merchandise :
Gotrek & Felix Watch detail. Art by Geoff Taylor. Gotrek & Felix Mug detail. Gotrek & Felix T-Shirt. Art by Geoff Taylor. 20 Years Of Black Library Post Cards box for Black Library Weekender 2018.