Page 0 : Editorial : In Grombindal’s Intro the Gotrek & Felix are mentioned.
Page 1 : Contents : There is a painting, not all(it is cropped) fromTrollslayer (2nd edition) by Geoff Taylor, plus the mentioning of their diorama release.
Page 6 : New Releases : Diorama models(with their codes).
Page 10 : Gotrek & Felix 1st Omnibus(2nd edition) advertisement.
Page 42-51 : Gotrek & Felix article : New miniatures (for Gotrek & Felix, plus Snorri, Max and Ulrica) and their diorama. This article is mostly about the miniatures, plus some general info of the duo, some novel advertisments and an extract from Orcslayer (new release). In all pages the duo is mentioned! Of course these pages include : An extract ‘FromMy Travels with Gotrek‘, by Herr Felix Jaeger, Ignorant Armies book, William King, Nathan Long, Gotrek’s Axe, some info from the books (such as where Felix found his sword Karaghul), etc. Nothing special.
Note : There is a mistake! In Page 42, it is mentioned that the duo was created by William King in 1989. It is wrong! They were created in 1988!
Page 44 : Gotek’s miniature. Painted-details of the miniature plus some info(nothing special). And a painting by Paul Jeacock.
Page 45 : Felix’s miniature . Painted-details of the miniature plus some info(nothing special). And a painting by Paul Jeacock.
Page 46 : Ulrica’s & Max’s miniatures. Painted-details of the miniature plus some info(nothing special). And a painting(for each one) by Paul Jeacock.
Page 47 :
Snorri’s miniature. Painted-details of the miniature plus some info(nothing special). And a painting by Paul Jeacock.
Thanquol & Boneripper miniatures. Painted plus some info(nothing special).
Page 48 : Blending technique for painting Gotrek’s miniature. ‘Eavy Metal painters: Kirsten Williams & Neil Green.
Page 49 : Tips for painting Felix’s miniature. ‘Eavy Metal painters: Kirsten Williams & Neil Green.
Page 50 : Sculpting : Some words from the sculptors : Gotrek by Aly Morrison, Felix by Alex Hedstrom. It is mentioned that the previous model of Felix is also sculpted by Alex Hedstrom. Also except from books, art, etc. artist Paul Jeacockhelped. Info about the other characters included in the diorama. There you can easily understand that Citadel Miniatures have released 2 set of miniatures plus this diorama.
It is useless for my opinion to collect all advertisements – mail order, etc. so I put some here, for obvious reasons (i.e., to have everything that has to do with the Gotrek & Felix).
Most of the above books are included in numerous other (printed and digital) omnibus, collections, bundles, etc. For more details check their tag.
All Games Workshop miniatures by Citadel Miniatures.
Cover is NOT Gotrek & Felix so the artist is not mentioned.