- Published by Games Workshop in December 1989.
- Page 1 : Table Of Contents: Gotrek & Felix are mentioned in Wolf Riders article.
- Pages 28-29 : Wolf Riders : Gotrek & Felix rules for Warhammer Fantasy RPG 1st edition, by William King and Andy Warwick.
- Page 28 : It has John Sibbick’s art (from Ignorant Armies).
- Page 29 : It has Paul Bonner’s art (from Wolf Riders).
(The article continues in page 30 but has no other mention of the duo….) - Page 73 : The above books are in Mail Order (Warhammer).
- All extracts – captions, etc. in the pages above are from Wolf Riders novella.
- Notes :
- The 1st Gotrek & Felix painting(art) ever published in White Dwarf magazine.
- The 1st Gotrek & Felix set of rules for any game published!
- The 1st Gotrek & Felix set of rules for any game published in White Dwarf magazine!
- 1st Gotrek & Felix set of rules for Warhammer Fantasy RPG.
- For more information about Wolf Riders and Ignorant Armies check their tag.
- Cover is NOT Gotrek & Felix so the artist is not mentioned.
- The duo is not mentioned in the back cover.