Writer(s)Richard Wolfrik Galland
MediumPrinted, Encyclopedia
PublisherCarlton Books, Thunder's Mouth Press
MediumPrinted, Encyclopedia
PublisherCarlton Books, Thunder's Mouth Press
- An official illustrated encyclopedia of Warhammer.
- First published in the UK by Carlton Books Limited in 1998.
- Published in the USA by Thunder’s Mouth Press, in 1998.
- By Richard Wolfrik Galland.
- UK edition :
- Page 182 : Heroes and Villains section : Gurnisson, Gotrek is there(of course)! A paragraph with general info(and of course the mentioning of Felix).
- Page 182 : Heroes and Villains section : Jaeger, Felix is there(of course)! A paragraph with general info(and of course the mentioning of Gotrek).
- Page 182 : The ‘classic’ Mark Gibbons paint of Gotrek & Felix.
- Pages 186-187 : Index section : Gotrek & Felix are separately (as Gurnisson, Gotrek & Jaeger, Felix) mentioned.
- US edition :
- Page 182(?) : Heroes and Villains section : Gurnisson, Gotrek is there(of course)! A paragraph with general info(and of course the mentioning of Felix).
- Page 182(?) : Heroes and Villains section : Jaeger, Felix is there(of course)! A paragraph with general info(and of course the mentioning of Gotrek).
- Page 182(?) : The ‘classic’ Mark Gibbons paint of Gotrek & Felix.
- Page: 188 : Index section : Gotrek, is mentioned (only his name not his surname, i.e.: Gurnisson).
- Page 189 : Index section : Jaeger is mentioned (only his surname not his name, i.e.: Felix).
- Notes :
- Same cover all editions.
- Cover is NOT Gotrek & Felix so the artist is not mentioned.
- The duo is not mentioned in the back cover.