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- Published by Games Workshop in December 2019.
- Cover :
- Page 1 : Editor’s introduction – letter : It mentions Gotrek’s rules for Warcry and 2 new scenarios for playing him.
- Page 3 : Contents : ‘A Slayer’s Quest’ article. Gotrek’s rules for Warcry.
- Pages 26 – 29 : ‘A Slayer’s Quest’ article.
- Page 26 : Gotrek’s miniature . The same as Warhammer : Age of Sigmar in a Chaos related diorama.
- RealmSlayer window : An extract from the (audio) book.
- It is mentioned that Gotrek has entered the Eightpoints in his quest to find his missing Axe and his lost friend.
- He is not very long in the Mortal Realms, but he is already carving a reputation!
- Page 27 :
- Gotrek’s rules for Warcry.
- Gotrek’s card for Warcry.
- Gotrek’s Window :
- His portrait (only) from the Johan Grenier’s cover of RealmSlayer : Blood Of The Old World.
- Gotrek : Why he is in the Mortal Realms? 3 possible answers.
- 1. He hails from a time before the Mortal Realms even existed and he willingly walked into the Realm of Chaos in search of a heroic death.
- 2.He is the Avatar of Grimnir.
- 3.He is just searching for 2 things : His friend and his Axe.
- Gotrek’s quote : ‘Vengence. That’s all that really endures.‘
- Page 28 : ‘The Wandering Slayer’ scenario for Warcry.
- Page 29 : ‘A Worthy Kill’ scenario for Warcry.
- Gotrek’s card :
- Front :
- In the front side it is Gotrek’s miniature along with his stats for the game.
- Back :
- Notes :
- Both (normal and subscribers’ only) covers are NOT Gotrek & Felix so the artist is not mentioned.
Gotrek’s card for Warcry, front(from White Dwarf December 2019 issue).
Gotrek’s card for Warcry, back(from White Dwarf December 2019 issue).
White Dwarf December 2019 all extras.
Realmslayer : Blood Of The Old World original painting cover by Johan Grenier.