Nathan Long’s Interview




  • From internet.
  • Uploaded in 2011.
  • Note:
    • This post has only parts that have something to do with Gotrek & Felix, not necessarily all the interview.
  • You took over writing the Gotrek & Felix series from its creator, William King. The three latest installments in the series have gone deeper than some previous volumes, and I think it would be safe to say that you’ve definitely made the series your own. What was it like, taking on these characters, and have you been pleased with the fan reaction?
    • It was terrifying, but fun as well. Gotrek and Felix are great characters, with well-defined personalities and quirks, so I had a blast writing them and coming up with scenarios that would highlight those quirks. At the same time, the pressure to get it right and live up to the reputation of the original novels was very stressful, and there were a fair few fans who were not pleased to see me take over the series. Nor did I always get it right. Since those first steps, however, I hope I’ve found my footing, and a lot of people seem to like what I’m doing with the books and the characters these days. That is very gratifying.
  • Where do you see Gotrek and Felix going next?
    • Well, I’m still discussing that with my editors at the moment. I think I made it pretty clear at the end of Zombieslayer where they will be heading next, but what they meet along the way? That hasn’t been decided yet. Check back with me this time next year. [I think I might hold you to that… – CR]