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- A Warhammer Chronicles omnibus.
- Written by C. L. Werner.
- Released by Black Library in 16 November 2019.
- Also released as an eBook.
- Contains the following books / stories :
- Grey Seer.
- Book 1 of Thanquol & Boniripper series.
- Gotrek & Felix are NOT mentioned in this book.
- Temple of the Serpent.
- Book 2 of Thanquol & Boniripper series.
- Gotrek & Felix are NOT mentioned inside the book.
- Thanquol’s Doom.
- Book 3 of Thanquol & Boniripper series.
- Gotrek & Felix are mentioned in this book.
- Mind-Stealer.
- A Gotrek & Felix novella.
- Thanquol Triumphant.
- Short story.
- Gotrek & Felix are NOT mentioned inside the book.
- Notes :
- Gotrek & Felix are mentioned inside the book.
- The duo is mentioned in the back cover.
- Cover is NOT Gotrek & Felix so the artist is not mentioned.