Page 34 : Dwarf Troll Slayers : It has Kevin Walker’s painting of the duo (from the anthology Red Thirst, interior art). It is not all the painting but a part of it (it is cropped). No other mention of the duo.
Miniatures expansion set FT-06 : Trollslayer is Gotrek! It is the miniature of Gotrek in plastic (the one from the 1st Warhammer Armies : Dwarfs, also called ‘classic’) !
This miniature has BOTH eyes! All other details are almost the same with the original miniature. There are difference in details because one miniature is made of plastic and the other made of metal (metal miniatures back then, had more detail).
Notes :
This post includes both covers, i.e., the box and the rulebook.
Cover is NOT Gotrek & Felix so the artist is not mentioned (for both the box and the rulebook).
The duo is not mentioned in the back cover (for both the box and the rulebook).
All Games Workshop miniatures by Citadel Miniatures.
Trollslayer miniature from Advanced HeroQuest : Terror In The Dark expansion.
Trollslayer miniature from Advanced HeroQuest : Terror In The Dark expansion.